Technical questions

We keep improving the tools for advertising and promotion of the casino. It gives benefits both for the program and Partners. You can form direct affiliate links to any page and experiment with landing pages for different types of traffic. You can also get texts with a detailed description of the casino. Just visit ‘Promotional materials’ section in your account in order to get a code of any text you chose for advertising (click ‘Get code’ button).

There is also an option of creating unique and up-to-date promo-materials for your audience. To order such texts and other promotional materials of the casino just contact our support managers.

Hits - the number of clicks on referral links.

Visits - the number of unique visitors or users.

It is important - hits are counted as the full loads of the web page after the click.

If the user quits the middle of the transition to the website or immediately after reaching the page, the hit is not counted.

Therefore, sometimes the number of clicks in a third-party system may be bigger than in ours (a third-party system counts ALL clicks, we are only with the download of a web page).

Regs - the number of registrations of players.

Gamers - the number of active players for that day.

Rounds - the number of rotations (spins).

Deposits - the amount of player deposits in US dollars.

Withdraws - the sum of money player withdrawn from the project.

Qualified players - only for CPA programs. The number of players who have qualified (fulfilled the conditions for obtaining a CPA).

Net Gaming - casino net income, excluding commissions and casino promo.

Betting - column is responsible for the section of sports betting on the project. Column displays net gaming for Betting.

Casino Promo - bonuses or any promo that a player receives on the project.

Full income - project income

Partner Income is your affiliate income.